In a perfect world, no one would ever get sick. But for the world we live in, there's health insurance.


If you have even a passing understanding of American politics, you may know that healthcare is a topic of constant debate in the United States. You might have heard that seeing the doctor for even simple treatments can be unexpectedly expensive. Perhaps going to the doctor worries you because of the possibility you will receive a surprisingly high bill.

There is some truth to the above scenario. Healthcare costs in the United States average much higher than in many other countries, even when adjusted for its relative GDP. And unlike in other places, having insurance does not mean that you will not pay for healthcare. Fortunately, insurance does significantly lower the cost of care, and all international students are required to have it. Let’s walk you through what all this means.


Healthcare 101

If you remember only one thing, please remember this: Although we are across the street from Hartford Hospital, please do not just walk into Hartford Hospital seeking treatment. Please especially do not just walk into Hartford Hospital Emergency Room for treatment that is not life-threatening. Your insurance does not cover “expenses incurred during a hospital emergency room visit which are not of an emergency nature.” This means that if you visit the emergency room and attempt to charge your insurance, they might send you a form asking to describe the nature of your medical incident and why you went to the emergency room for care.

Where do I go if I get sick?

If you get sick, you should first visit the school health center.

Do I have to pay when I go to the health center?

As of 2019, the Trinity health center is considered a branch of Hartford Healthcare. Unfortunately, this means that while your health insurance brochure says it does not require a co-pay for student health center visits, you will need to pay a $20 co-pay when you visit the health center. That said, the health center will work with you to ensure that you do not pay multiple co-pays for multiple visits pertaining to the same problem. If you feel you are unable to pay your co-pay and might qualify for financial assistance, please reach out to the financial aid office.